The BugWright2 project

Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls


Here is the history of the BugWright2 publications (conference proceedings, workshops, articles in journals, chapters in books, webinars, etc.)

2024 [RP3]


  • Xiao Peng, PhD Thesis “Planning problems in a multi-tethered-robot system”. Defended at INSA Lyon / CITI lab., France, on February, 19th, 2024. 

2023 [RP3]



2022 [RP3]

2022 [RP2]


  • Schauffel, N., Gründling, J., Ewerz, B., Weyers, B., & Ellwart, T. (2022). Human-robot teams. Spotlight on psychological acceptance factors exemplified within the BUGWRIGHT2 project. PsychArchives.
  • Johansson, T. and Pastra, A. Deployment of Remote Inspection Techniques Maintaining Dynamic Governance: Umbrella Regulation or Self-Regulation? 7th International Conference on Ocean Law and Policy; Interdisciplinary Policy and Law on Artificial Intelligence in Maritime Affairs,  National Taiwan Ocean University (14 October 2022)
  • Johansson, T. Reconnoitring Techno-regulatory Dimensions of the Human Environment in Maritime Robotics & Autonomous Systems, IMO-WMU Conference, October 2022; Protecting the Ocean – Moving Forward at 50: London Convention and Stockholm Declaration
  • M. Scheiber, A. Cardaillac, C. Brommer, S. Weiss, and M. Ludvigsen, Modular multi-sensor fusion for underwater localization for autonomous rov operations, in OCEANS 2022: Hampton Roads, 2022, pp. 1–5.
  • Serra Perello, Miquel (2021), Detección de bio-incrustaciones en cascos de barcos mediante redes convolucionales, (Ms) Màster en Sistemes Intelligents, University of the Balearic Islands.
  • Yao, Kai (2022), “Novel deep learning-based indentification methods for accurate, orientation-aware visual detection with application to inspection and quality control”, (PhD) Doctoral Programme in Information and Communications Technology, University of the Balearic Islands. 
  • Johansson, T., “Law of the Sea and Class Techno-regulatory Dynamic Governance”, 45th Annual Conference on Oceans Law and Policy: UNCLOS at 40, 17 March 2022.
  • Johansson, T., “Trust Ecosystem and Dynamic Governance in Vessel Class Survey”, Presentation at InterAct Kick-off Workshop, University of Copenhagen, 4 march 2022.

2021 [RP2]


  • Ellwart, T., & Schauffel, N. (2021). Humans, software agents, and robots in hybrid teams. Effects on work, safety, and health. PsychArchives.
  • A. Cardaillac, M. Ludvigsen, Ruled path planning framework for safe and dynamic navigation, in OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto, 2021, pp. 1–7.
  • Johansson, T. (2021) “International-arrangements Analysis”, World Maritime University (WMU)-International Maritime Organization (IMO) Webinar Series: EU Horizon 2020 BUGWRIGHT2: Overcoming Regulatory Barriers for Service Robotics in an Ocean Industry Context
  • Pastra, A. (2021) “National Comparative Analysis”, World Maritime University (WMU)-International Maritime Organization (IMO) Webinar Series: EU Horizon 2020 BUGWRIGHT2: Overcoming Regulatory Barriers for Service Robotics in an Ocean Industry Context.
  • Derrig, R. (2021) “European Union Analysis: Regulating to Use New Technology for Better Shipping”, World Maritime University (WMU)-International Maritime Organization (IMO) Webinar Series: EU Horizon 2020 BUGWRIGHT2: Overcoming Regulatory Barriers for Service Robotics in an Ocean Industry Context
  • Johansson, T., “Overcoming International Regulatory Barriers for Remote Inspection Technology in an Ocean Industry Context”, 2021 Global Ocean Regime Conference: Technological Innovation and the Role of the Law of the Sea, Organized by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries & Korea Maritime institute
  • Johansson, T. and Pastra, A. “Remote Inspection Technologies and the Human Element”, World Maritime Day 2021 (30 September): Seafarers at the Core of Shipping’s Future, Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association.
  • T. Johansson; D. Dalaklis; T. Klenum and A. Pastra. “Addressing Uncertainties in RAS Integration for Ships’ Hull Inspection and Maintenance: Through the Prism of International Environmental Law”, EELF Annual Conference 2021, 8-10 September 2021.

 2021 [RP1]

2020 [RP1]


  • Kai YAO, Alberto ORTIZ, Francisco BONNIN-PASCUAL, “Deep Learning-based Object Detection for a Quality Control Application in the Sterilization Unit of a Hospital”, Jornadas IDISBA (Annual Workshop of the Health Research Institute of the Balearic Islands), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 26 November 2020. 
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grand agreement No 871260.